
Arc Trooper BABS pg 18 prt 3

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Arc Trooper BABS pg 18 prt 3
Moments of Remembrance
By Dropingbow

I gazed over the crowd around me as Padme lead me through the chattering Senators and wealthy people of the Republic. The senator chatted politely with the other guests as they made our way through the crowd. My hands held onto our joint elbows much like a child, but I couldn’t help it. I had never faced a foe I could not defeat with a bullet or a good punch to the face. This one I could have to find a way to use my cunning, not my force. The concept made me extremely nervous.

Padme placed a steady hand on my trembling grasp. “It’ll be fine,” she whispered in my ear. “You’ll do great.” I smile a half hearted smile as we passed by others who looked our way. They smiled in turn or nodded their greeting. I looked over my shoulder at Rex standing a few paces at my four o’clock. Our eyes locked a half moment then his shifted ahead again. Much like any good soldier, he starred on ahead, guarding silently and vigilantly. As I turn back toward the Senator, I smile at few senators I thought I recognized but could not place the names. There were so many faces, voices, bodies; how was Padme going to find Hanvick?

“Master Skywalker!” A hardy man exclaimed to our left. We stopped as the Senator and the General greeted the man. His face was red and plump. His suit stretched around his middle as three buttons strained to keep the sapphire blue jacket on his person. In one, thick hand he held a scotch glass emptied of all its dark liquid and holding only ice. In the other he held the end of a long and elegant pipe made of a gold and silver alloy carved with iron black lines as graceful as a blowing breeze. He placed the ice filled glass down on a passing servant’s tray and took the Jedi’s hand. “I had not expected a Jedi Master to join the party.”

Skywalker smiled and greeted the man full heartedly, “Ambassador Brown! Always a pleasure to see your joyful face.”

“Ha!” the man’s belly bounced as he laughed, “Ah, but is it not the most pleasurable face to see this evening.” He looked at Padme and me. A huge smile spread across his red face, showing brown scotch stained teeth. “My lovely Senator Amidala,” he took Padme’s free hand and clasped it gently between his hands, “you are a beautiful sight, perhaps even more radiant than usual. And who might this be?” He looked at me with a curious and interested gaze. I saw his eyes look to my face, down to my chest, then forcibly back up again. I swallowed my nerves and smiled at him.

“May I present, Britannia Amidala. My third cousin on my father’s side,” Padme introduced. “She is my guest of the evening.”

I raised my hand to the Ambassador and said, “It is an honor Ambassador.”

He took it and kissed my knuckles. He looked up at me through eyelashes and bushy eyebrows. “The honor is all mine.”

“You are too kind,” I managed to say as I forced my hand to relax in his grasp. His hands were unbelievably soft, like that of an infant's.

“If you don’t mind Ambassador,” Padme interjected, “I was wondering if you knew if Senator Hanvick was in attendance tonight.”

The husky ambassador straightened and gazed up at the sealing in thought. “Yes, I believe I saw him by the south windows speaking with Senator Willia Lee.”

“Oh thank you,” Padme smiled, “and good to see you Ambassador. Do tell that lovely wife of yours we must have lunch the next time she visits Corrosaunt.”

He gave us a half smile, “I shall Senator.” He looked at me and General Skywalker each in turn and said his goodbyes and we continued on our way.

Once we had disappeared back into the crowd, Padme leaned in and whispered, “Good thing he didn’t try to chat you up too much. He’s been known to jump after pretty woman like a womprat on a fresh kill. His wife lets him, too, so long as he does not mingle in her affairs and she not in his.”

“What a lovely couple,” I grumble with a smile toward the crowd.

“That’s politicians for you. It is hard to find one not corrupted by something,” she sighed.

“We all have secrets,” I answered thinking back to my dressing room, “some are just more shameful than others.”

She patted my hand on our jointed arms again, “You don’t know how true you are, Brittania.” She stopped suddenly at the top of a short series of blush colored stone steps and pointed toward a row of large arching windows. A few opened to wide balconies while others had ornate statues and fountains at their bases. She pointed to where the corner of the opened window met the adjacent window. There a group of men stood chatting and laughing. “There he is,” she stated. I looked down at the group of men and saw him. Hanvick stood a good foot taller than the gathered men around him. Overall he was a handsome man, muscular figure, smooth face, strong jaw, slick, midnight black hair that made a tiny curl over his forehead. “Ready?” Padme asked.

I steadied my breath, as if was I preparing to take aim. My bodied obeyed the calming habit and ceased trembling. I set my eyes ahead and nodded. “Yes,” I answered, “I’m ready.”
Something had changed in BABS suddenly, Rex realized. She suddenly didn’t seem afraid or nervous. The woman soldier was stepping way, WAY out of her comfort zone and now she didn’t even seemed phased by the notion. A part of him felt proud of the woman before him as he followed them toward the target.
“Senator Hanvick!” Padme cheered as we drew closer to the group of men. Five pairs of eyes shot up toward us and all eyes gleamed with recognition and admiration. Hanvick smiled at us and excused himself from the men to meet us. “You are looking very well this evening,” Padme stated.

He looked her up and down and answered, “As do you, Senator Amidala.” His eyes moved toward the general. His face changed instantly from bright and cheerful, to dark and guarded. “Ah, Master Skywalker. I hadn’t expected to see you in attendance.”

“I’m not a guest tonight Senator, but Senator Amidala’s person bodyguard,” Skywalker answered.

“Oh I see,” Hanvick nodded and turned back toward Padme. His eyes looked toward me and lingered hungrily. I made myself smile innocently at him and a blush come to my checks. “Padme,” he said, “aren’t you going to introduce me to your lovely guest?”

“Oh, but of course!” she exclaimed as if she had completely forgotten about me. “Hanvick, this is my cousin, Britannia Amidala. Britannia, I’d like you to meet Senator Hanvick of Arkania.”

I raised my hand and said sweetly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Senator.”

He took my hand gently in his and continued to gaze at me hungrily. “The pleasure is all mine.”

“Tell me Hanvick,” Padme said and he forced his gaze back to her, “have you looked over Senator Curz’s Bill of Court yet? The way I see it its a complete over complication of our Court system.”

“I’ve skimmed over it thus far,” Hanvick stated, “and I believe you’re right. Such a bill would bring much scrutiny and a lot of overkill to our courts.”

“Aren’t our court systems good enough as they are?” I suddenly found myself asking.

“Good enough isn’t always good enough my sweet,” Hanvick answered. “Sometime the bad guys slip through the cracks in the system.”

I nodded and replied, “Well that may be true but no system will ever be perfect. In my opinion we should focus more on trying to create peace instead of minor things like that.”

He smiled down at me, large white teeth gleaming in the glittering lights of the sunset falling over the city planet. “That is my belief as well.”

“Then I am glad to not be the only one,” I answered, allowing myself to look him up and down slowly as to take him in. When our eyes met, I held his gaze. His eyes were hazel brown, deep and alluring.

“Well, Britannia we should continue to mingle some more, don’t you think?” Padme asked suddenly, interrupting our silent moment.

I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye then smiled at Hanvick. “Actually, Padme, if you don’t mind, I’d like to stay and chat with Hanvick a little bit longer. That is, if the Senator wouldn’t mind entertaining me?”

“There’s nothing I’d rather do more,” Hanvick smiled cunningly at me and with that Padme was gone.

Rex glared at the false woman as he and his brothers stepped into the cell. She eyed each of them in turn coolly as if she had done nothing wrong. Rex looked at Echo and Fives each in turn and they took up there position at the ends of the table while Rex stood directly across from the woman. She continued to watch them expectantly, still appearing to be as innocent as possible. Finally after a long silent moment, she timidly asked, “What’s all this about Sir? Have I done something wrong?”

Rex crossed him arms and glared at the woman. “First,” he gestured at Echo, “tell me his name.”

She blinked at him and looked at the trooper beside her. She looked him up and down desperately, the look in her eyes betraying no recognition of the trooper, then shot back to Rex. “Sir you know his name why ask me for it? I-”

“What’s his name?” Rex demanded.

“Fives!” the name came out desperate and uncertain.

A snarl formed on Echo’s face, “Gotcha.”

“What?” the woman looked at him in shock then back to Rex again. Her hands gripped the edge of the table fiercely as tiny beads of sweat formed on her brow.

Fives placed his hand on the table and leaned on in. His face was dark and his voice cold. “That’s my name,” he hissed, “I’m Fives. He’s Echo.”

The woman’s eyes drew wide. “Sorry, I- I was just confused-” she tried to save herself.

Rex suddenly couldn’t hold his anger anymore. His fist crashed into the table with explosive force. All gathered in that tiny room jumped at the sudden force of the captain’s rage. His eyes spat fire at the liar across from him and his voice was razor sharp. “Enough of your crap!” he roared. “You are not BABS, stop hiding behind her face.”

Realization filled the woman’s face and her eyes narrowed at Rex. A sick smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. “Oh what clever little clones you are,” her face suddenly changed before their eyes. Her skin became gray-green and her eyes two huge gold orbs. Her face became narrow and covered in creases and wrinkles. Rex never realized just how hideous Changelings were. “I never though a batch of clones would ever see through my little  ruse.”

The plasma shield dispersed with a hiss the Jedi entered the cell. The tiny room suddenly felt crowded and under the previous agreement, both Echo and Fives reluctantly left the interrogation to stand watch outside. Rex moved to the Changelings side as the three generals: Windu, Obi-Wan, and Skywalker, stood before her. Though most prisoners cowered in the presence of Jedi, this woman held her ground, smiled even when the Jedi entered the room. Rex couldn’t help but admire her confidence, but cursed her arrogance. He stood there, arms crossed and eyes spilling over with fire, at her side, waiting for any hint of resistance from her. While the Jedi held an essence of calm intrigue, Rex felt as if he was going to explode at any moment. This woman knew where BABS was. She had done something to her. BABS could be dead for all he knew and this woman was all to blame! He felt like a bomb with a dead man switch, and she unknowling was the one deciding when to release the button.

Windu was the first to speak, “Who are you? Who do you work for?”

“Why should I tell you? How do you know I work for anyone?” the Changeling answered smugly.

“Because,” Obi-wan answered, “if you cooperate with us, you might get a nice cells when you’re in prison, and there’s no way you could have gotten this far on your own.”

“Not to mention kidnap BABS in the process,” Skywalker added.

The Changeling chucked at them. “Perhaps if you make it more worth my while. I’d be happy to discuss a bargain-”

She just released the button. Rex couldn’t hold back the growl in his voice or the rage his body had as it seemed to move on its own. There was no stopping him as he charged at the woman. Like lightning, Rex surged on her, swiping his forearm under her chin and slamming her against the wall. “No,” he spat in her face. “No bargaining. You will tell us what you’ve done to her, where she is!”

“Rex!” Skywalker exclaimed.

“No, Sir!” he shouted as he glared into the Changeling’s huge and frightened eyes. “BABS was one of us, and I will not stand by as this bitch makes a mockery of her and all of us.” Rex’s arm suddenly jerked hard down on the Changeling’s throat. She gasped for breath and started to claw at his armored forearms. “You will tells us,” he hissed at her.

“Captain, stand down!” General Windu ordered. “She’s no used to us dead.” Rex glanced at him then back at the Changeling, still struggling for air. With a snarl, Rex released her and she fell to the floor. He saw Windu nod then ordered, “Now leave us.” Rex had no choice but to obey.

As he stood outside the orange plasma shield, Rex couldn’t do nothing but watch as the Jedi continued their interrogation. The three of them blocked most of his view of the Changeling, and Echo and Fives had even less of a view behind him, but he did not need to see the criminal to know that she was now intimidated, if not a little scared. Rex heard her cough and curse at him through the shield and the Jedi’s half hearted apologize on his behalf. Then they asked her, her name.

“Saera’bell,” she answered. “You know my sister: Parasitti,” she said with a sneer in her voice.

Obi-Wan rubbed his bearded chin, “Yes, the Changeling who assisted Cad Bane in obtaining a Holocron.”

“Do you work for Bane too? Was it he who put you up to this?” Windu asked.

Saera’bell shook her head and gave a little chuckle. “You don’t work for Bane, no one does. You work with him and if you play along, do your job, and stay out of his way-- you get your cut.”

Skywalker’s hands fell to his sides in tight fists. Rex could see him growing impatient, though now he didn’t think it was out of concern for BABS. The mere mention of Cad Bane sent him on edge nowadays. Rex knew the Jedi wanted him arrested or better yet, dead. General Skywalker seemed to almost take the matter personally (no wonder given the events with Senator Padme being at the hands of Bane and all). Skywalker gave a short growl in response, “Answer the question.”

“Fine,” Saera’bell huffed. “Yes I work with Bane, yes he put me up to this, no I won’t tell you where to find him,” she stated the latter with great certainty.

“Yes, you will,” General Windu said in a low, commanding tone as he waved his hand horizontally at the woman. Rex suddenly heard the Changeling struggling in her seat as if she was held there with iron clamps. He heard her spit out her refusal then curse them as Skywalker and Windu repeated the motion. She exclaimed even louder her defiance then screamed as Obi-Wan joined the other two Jedi. “You will tell us where Bane is,” the three demanded together. Rex watched with deep respect as the Generals pulled the truth from the Changeling.

Finally their arms fell and the Changeling gave a great gasp and a tearless sob of pain. “Fine,” she said between gasps for air, “I’ll tell you.” She straightened in her chair and glared at each on of them in turn. “Rinn,” she said after a long time, “Bane’s at the planet Rinn in the Rinn system.”

“That’s on the very edge of the Outer Rim,” Skywalker noted.

“Then we best be going,” Obi-Wan stated in his gentlemanly charm.

“Indeed,” Windu nodded and they left the Changeling where she sat, still gasping and glaring. When they entered the hallway again, Windu turned to Rex and gave him a curt nod. “Good job Captain.”

Rex stood at attention before him as he thanked the General then followed the three Jedi’s back to the bridge for the mission planning. He couldn’t help but silently plead beyond hope as they marched toward the bridge,  “We’re coming BABS, just hold on! You can’t be dead yet, your too tough to give up now. Hold on BABS! Just hold on!”
Hold on BABS! Just hold on! My eyes flew open as the whisper echoed through my ears. It seemed to bounce off the walls and with such force, it seemed as if someone had shouted the words right there and then. But I was alone. There was no one here except for me and my thoughts, my dreams. That’s all that was: a dream. I closed my eyes again and tried to recall for the hundredth time how long I had been here. Then for the hundredth time, I had no answer for myself. I raised my head, with great effort, to look at the the ceiling that wasn’t that far above me. There I saw a tiny red eye staring back and watching me. Unknowingly I shook my head at it and proclaimed in a raspy, unclear voice, “Just kill me know.” My head fell down again and I stared at the floor as it continued to spin and mock me.

I was alone.

I had never felt this alone before in my entire life. Even after the loss of my family, my planet, I still had Dan. Then when he was gone, I found comfort in the faces of the cadets I called my brothers. What was to bring me comfort now? The floor, spinning and mocking me? Bane? His little droid? The pain?

Hold on Brittany! Hold on... The voice whispered again. I couldn’t help but gaze around my huge cell in search for the voice, but again, there was no one to be found. The voice sounded so familiar... it was a man’s voice but who? ... perhaps a clones? Perhaps... I closed my eyes as a minute smile formed on my beaten and blooded lips. Just like that time, I’m never alone.

I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Rex was still with me, like a silence, watching security blanket he was there for me. He met my gaze and have me a small nod. I smiled back and quickly turned back toward Hanvick as he revelled me on one of his amazing exploits of being a Senator. When I had first taken Hanvick’s arm and allowed him to lead me away toward the balcony, I had a sudden feeling of being on my own, but now knowing Rex was right there, I felt better.

I laughed as he finished his ‘heroic’ tale and gazed out into the sunset horizon of Coruscant. “It’s beautiful,” I stated wistfully.

I saw Hanvick’s gaze on me out of the corner of my eye. “Yes,” he said with the same level of wistfulness, “it is.” I looked up at him and he turned away bashfully. “The city is beautiful at this time of day, but,” he looked at me again with those huge and hungry eyes, “I’d say this beautiful woman before me holds nothing in comparison.” I allow myself to blush and thank him sweetly. He smirks at me and leans with one arm on the banister, body facing me. His other hand rests carefully close to mine on the sleek, shining metal railing. “Tell me, my sweet, what is it you do for a living?”

“Well I’m no Senator or Ambassador, but something along the lines of a Representative,” I answered casually.

“Really? How so?”

“Well one day I went to my dear cousin on one of her visits back to Naboo and begged her to take me with her when she returned to Coruscant. She refused the idea at first and told me she had such a boring life on Coruscant and I would have an even worse time if I went with her, but I persisted. You see,” I took a deep sigh to added effect, “I wanted to see the universe. Naboo was just so, well, dull for my tastes.”

Hanvick gave a chuckle at that. “Crave a little excitement did you? So what’d you do?”

“Padme pulled a few strings and got me on a Republic frigate,” I said with as much controlled enthusiasm as I could muster. “Officially I’m one of Padme’s assistants but truthfully I’m just a little girl sneaking around on Republic vessels to explore the universe.”

“Now, I wouldn’t called you a little girl.” Hanvick’s hand moved gently from the railing and lightly touched my arm. I blushed again (and part of me was surprised I could command myself to blush on a whim!) and his hand settled back on the railing beside mine. “What do you do on such exploratory cruises?” he wondered.

“I study the clones,” I told him proudly. When he gave me a confused looked, I started to explain. “Padme was curious about how the clones were treated and how they acted when they were not on duty or in the battle field. She rarely ever saw them, well anyone ever has, when they aren’t standing at attention, marching, escorting, or on the battlefield to really know what they are like. Most of the people in the Senate couldn’t care less, but Padme believes that the men who are fighting for her to find a way to make peace, should be well looked after in turn. So that’s my job. I watch and I report back to her.”

“And the jedi allow this?” Hanvick asked with disbelief.

“So long as I stay out of their way and don’t disturb their men or battle plans. Then as long as I understand that if we go down, I’m not their responsibility, then they let me do and go where I please. They barely notice me anyway,” I answered briefly.

“Oh, I see. So what have you learned from your ‘watchings?’” An amused smile crossed his lips.
Rex watched intently as BABS (Britannia) shrugged and answered, “They’re human. They eat, drink, sleep, no differently than anyone else but they are... different.”

“Really? How?”

“Well...” BABS stared up at the purple sky and leaned slightly closer to the suspected traitor than Rex would have liked but was forced to remain silent. “You may think they are all exactly the same, but they’re not. Now they may all have the same DNA but each one looks a little different than the other. Some have tattoos, different facial hair or hair cuts, yes, but just by looking in their eyes, they look different.” Rex suddenly found himself holding his breath as she said this. Rex had always believed she saw individuals in each of his brothers, but to hear her say this was heavy on his chest. “Every once and a while I can hear different tones in their voices that make one sound unlike any of the others. Some laugh differently while others don’t laugh at all. Some are more hyper than others while a good lot of them are serious. There are a few who like to stare at women as they walk by while others are perfect gentlemen. Some fight, some are quiet, some are loud, but all are perfect examples of soldiers.” She sighed sadly suddenly. “I wish this war would just end though. The fact that we created them for the sole purpose of war... I can’t fathom how that must feel to them.”

Hanvick placed a hand on her shoulder and stated softly, “They’re soldiers, that’s all they know. I don’t think it bothers them too much.” Rex forced himself not to glare at him. He knew nothing of what Rex felt, what his brothers felt. He looked back at BABS in the setting sun. The light forming a golden halo around her as the pure white dressed sparkled with all the colors of the city. This thoughts drifted to their time with Lawquane as he admired her. “But peace would be a better option than war and needless blood shed,” Hanvick’s voice pulled Rex out of his day dream. What was he doing? He had to focus! He blinked rapidly several times and resumed his unyielding watch over his charge.

“It makes sense to me though,” BABS stated then, “why the Separatists have droids instead of organic soldiers.”

“Indeed,” Hanvick agreed and looked out toward the racing hover cars as they sped far away into the setting sun, “They may be crude and unreliable, but they are effective, cheap, and have no soul to worry for.”

BABS nodded, “They make very fierce enemies, I’ll give them that as well. Though one must respect one’s enemy if one is to survive a war.”

“That is the only way we will ever find peace.”

“Yes-” BABS looked up at Hanvick then, and froze. Her eyes grew huge as she realized just how close they were. Rex saw Hanvick give a little smirk at her and saw his hands start to move toward her. Just then he wanted nothing more than to intervene, to stop him from touching her, stop him from-- anything he was about to do. But what could he do? If he moved, if he ran to stop him and save her, surely he would blow their cover. The mission would fail and they would have nothing for the effort. No, he was forced to stand and watch.

A roar of laughter suddenly rose from the crowd behind him. Looked suddenly away from Hanvick and toward the open window/ gates beyond Rex. Then Rex realized she wasn’t staring beyond him, but at him. He met her gaze and saw the reassured looked in her silvery blue eyes. He was still there. She wasn’t alone. Hanvick looked up as well, but completely ignored Rex. His eyes gazed over the crowd then back down at BABS. He took her hand in his and politely asked, “Would you like to get out of here? The part will go one late into the night and trust me, you do not want to see just how drunk politicians can get. Perhaps we could continue our conversation back at my apartments?”

BABS placed her free hand over his. “I’d like that very much.”
As Hanvick led me toward the speeder lot, I glanced around the thick crowd for the Senator and General. I kept a tight, yet diligent grip on Hanvick’s elbow as he led me and leaned into him as we walked. I scarcely heard him chattering on about his living space, the part of the city it was in, and other very mundane stuff as I was searching for Padme. At last I found the duo standing not far from our exit and gave Padme a tiny way. She smiled and waved back like it was just any other day. Hanvick noticed it and asked, “Care to tell her where you’re going? After all you did come with her.”

I looked up at him and smiled. “She knows I’m in good hands,” I said as I hugged his arm. I was fairly aware of my breasts against his arm; as was he as I saw his eyes grow hungrier.

When we reached his private speeder, a sleek red, four seater convertible with black racing stripes on the driver side of the body and hood, Hanvick glanced back at Rex and stopped. “Is the bodyguard necessary? I mean you no harm you know this.”

I look at Rex and resist the urge to bite my lip. I nod in answer, “Padme made me sware prior to this evening that he would not leave my side. Being on a space warship in the middle of a battle worries her only a little compared to the hidden threats of Coruscant apparently. I dare not go against her.”

There was a little frown on his face as he looked Rex up and down. “What is his name?”

“Uh,” I shot my eyes toward Rex, suddenly unable to think. Should I give his real name or should I just make up one? “Well... I’m not sure. I don’t think Padme ever told me a name,” I said almost too desperately for my liking.

“Well then,” Hanvick looked Rex straight on and demanded, “what is your name?”

Without skipping a beat, Rex stated, “Sargent Rexell, Sir.”

Hanvick gave a small nod and said, “Very well Sargent.” Then he moved toward the speeder and opened the door. He gave his arm a grand swipe over the threshold of the speeder and beckoned me forward, “My lady Britannia, your knight awaits.”

I smiled and blushed more as I took his hand and he helped me settle in. Within moments he was in the driver seat and Rex, now Sargent Rexell, was sitting quiet as the grave behind me. We were off to Hanvick’s apartments, now the real mission began.

Rex ran through the mission plans once more as he stared into the open black space before him. His mission would be BABS while General Skywalker and Commander Tano were to apprehend Bane. Sense Rinn was in Separatist space, they would be taking a small shuttle into that region of space while the main fleet held back incase reinforcements were called for. Rex’s squad would consist of Echo, Fives, and Kix incase BABS needed any emident medical support. They would infiltrate the ship and then R2-D2 would plug in and find where BABS was being held. From there the jedi and troopers would split ways and randevou after the missions were completed or aborted.

A few feet in front of him Generals Windu and Obi-Wan chatted about the mission. Very little was BABS mentioned but Bane’s name was dropped more than not. It was clear to Rex that BABS was of little real concern to them and Bane was now the real target now they they knew he was involved. Rex didn’t blame them. BABS was one of his. When it came down to it, she was just another soldier, though not entirely expandable, and Rex knew they wanted to save her, she was a soldier and soldiers die in battle. BABS had been gone for nearly one-hundred and eight hours now, four days under torture and probably was dehydrated and starved. There was little hope she was still alive, the Generals knew this. Rex knew this. But he had to believe. Hold on Brittany! Hold on...
Well here it is at last! We're nearing the end people I hope your ready! (end of this arch any way ;) there's still a lot of BABS's story to be told)
Sargent Rexell *sigh* looks like Rex demoted himself this time =P

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TreeHugger82's avatar
Love it!
Next plz.